Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Most of us understand that the world revolves around us. It’s true
that your world revolves around you and my world revolves around me.
In fact, the one thing I am sure that everyone I know has in common is
that I know them all. In fact, if I did not know them, they would not
even be in my world.

That makes me sound kind of important, don’t you think?

But be careful. It can be easy to get carried away about these
things. And people often do. They can feel entitled to things, when in
fact nobody is entitled to anything. Our very existence is in fact a

People can get quite upset when others are in their way, when
other’s agendas mess up theirs, when others don’t understand that
they are trespassing on our world. Yes, people can be blind to the
fact that they, too, are trespassing on the territory of other people.

Yes, you are the center of your world, but each of our world’s
overlaps with every other world we touch. Let us not lose sight of
this truth.

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