Wednesday, May 20, 2009


There was no rain for several weeks in a village. The priest, calling upon the people to pray more intensely invited them on a Sunday to meet at the church campus. He asked them to come with visible signs of faith. People came in large numbers. Some came with their rosaries with bibles prayer books with holy medals and pictures. But there in crowd was a little boy with an umbrella in hand.
The priest deeply impressed invited the boy to tell the crowd why he came with an umbrella. The boy with unshakable child like faith said I came with umbrella cos I don’t to get in the rain as we pray for rain. It rained heavily that day as the crowd prayed.
Faith is an absolute trust in god of all possibilities. Faith does not end with hope it crosses its threshold.
Faith to is to be sure of things we hope for and he conviction of things we don’t see. Faith does not come easily to one who is inflated with pride with his own abilities and strength. Faith comes to those who realize their frailty and inadequateness.
Our highest intelligence and strongest abilities cannot match the awesome power of god and that’s why we need to look beyond our capacities in perfect dependence upon god we can’t stop a heavy downpour nor create rain, or a arrest tsunami. We cannot restructure the constellations rearranging the planets or stop earth from rotating. These are gentle reminders that der is someone beyond us upon whom we can depend.
When the disciples answered the call to discipleship with Jesus they never expected to get better fishing nets, boats and a booming business. They asked for two things Lord teach us to pray and lord increase our faith. These were the two things they saw that Jesus zeal for prayer and an unshakable faith in heavenly father. The disciples could see very clearly how faith and prayer in the life of Jesus helped him relate with the sinner and saint. They saw how he could celebrate life joyfully and embrace suffering in resilience. They saw how he turned impossibilities to possibilities.
Faith opens up for us a world of possibilities. The best prayer we could ever make is lord teach us to pray. And if we pray for rain les keep umbrella at hand…that’s faith

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