Monday, December 15, 2008


Every morning the first thing we see,
every night, the last thing we touch,
through everything, it is with us.

On a click, it becomes our personal directory,
next moment, turning to something, arbitarily.

We all use it to share music n pics,
and all we need to do, is to just do some clicks.

We chat, we converse, we do all on it,
everything we want, have in it's brain, an imprint.

We can fiddle with it, all long nights,
it is a messenger, in our romantic love lives.

It wakes us up, like a mother, in the morning,
it is our companion, like a father, in the evening.

Every time it rings, it gives us some thrill,
and if it will be snatched, we all will fall ill.

It is not just our cell, or a talking
machine, it is our best friend.
Not every model will do good, it should
belong to the latest trend.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thought about you

All day long I thought about you
Even when I tried not to think about you
I thought about you
When I closed my eyes
I thought about you
When I opened my eyes
I thought about you

When I thought about the beauty of the season
I thought about you
When I thought about the
Warmth of the upcoming holidays
I thought about you

When I heard a love song, on the radio
I thought about you
Even when I said good night to the stars
I thought aabout you

And when I slipped beneath the softness of my blanket
And gave in to the bliss of sweet dreams
I thought about you

I just can't stop thinking about you . . .

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Tears does not belong to our despair only,
even happiness can sometimes make you cry.
Desolation does not always mean being lonely,
it can also deliver you a feeling of sympathy.

Tears are not always at the prey of only fate,
they flow not only at the depart of a soulmate.
Even their reunion can make their eyes go wet,
impression of past can then only make them upset.

They're there beside, even when you achieve a goal,
they accompany you when you try lean on sand's poll.
They will roll down when your happiness is at it's peak,
they will make you strong, and can even make you weak.

They show the feelings resting deep inside our heart,
though we hide them within, and don't let them part.
They flow as they're tired of being,for so long,inside us,
we store them because they might just create some fuss.

They are the essence of someone's sweet innocence,
they are sometimes the proof of someone's presence.
Tears, for sure, does not envelope our despair always,
they allow the unspoken emotions to flow in a simple way.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Eanchanting Eyes

This was written for a wonderful friend of Mine

When I look within your eyes,those twinkling eyes,
They speak of a thousand things.
It evokes myriad memories,
And leaves an imprint on me.
Whenever I look in your eyes,
I see shining crystals,
full of beauty.
Whenever I look in your eyes,
I see an ocean that never ends,
The world seems apparelled in celestial light,
Like the glory and freshness of your eyes.
Just like the morning dew,
Exotic and beautiful.
Every time I look into your eyes,
I'm lost in innumerable memories,
Thus forgetting the world behind me.
For you have those angel eyes
With such a precious glow
I consider myself lucky enough,
To have experienced its warmth.

my Friend.
Just seeing you
reminds me what a wonderful gift I have.
You are the one I will cherish
and treasure

Thinking about you.

I've been thinking about you.
And I know i don't say it often enough,
But I appreciate all you do.
I've never known anyone
as giving as you..
You always go that extra mile
to inspire and encourage me.
You make me want to try harder,
You make me want to succeed.
You've made me
believe in me.
For this and so much more,
I'm sending good wished to your door . . .

True, Too Often

Too often we don't realize
What we have until it is gone
Too often we wait too late to say
"I'm sorry - I was wrong."

Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones
We hold dearest to our hearts
And we allow foolish things
To tear our lives apart..

Far too many times we let
Unimportant things into our minds
And then it's usually too late
To see what made us blind..

So be sure that you let people know
How much they mean to you
Take that time to say the words
Before your time is through

My Feelings for My Love

There are no words
to express what i feel for you..
There are no songs
as beautiful as the music
that fills my soul
when i hear your voice..
There are no roses
as lovely as you make me smile..
There are no days
brighter than the days
That i spend with you..
And there could never be words
strong enough
to express my Love For You
My Angel . . .

I Dedicate this poem "To a Special person, in my life.."

Monday, December 1, 2008

Is the love you missed, To be alone . . .

I sometimes think of her, my sweet
her gorgeous smile, tender lips,
to which my heart complete in love did beat.

Distant thoughts of a our glorious love
sweep my mind, like the white feathered dove.
Free and swift, she glides the thrift,
My sweet little bird, alone adrift.

Many tides have risen, only but to fall
the calming thought of us, a voice never to call.
A whisper in the night, a light to which I see no bright,
A calling to which the voice I speak, returns no answer
to that which I solemnly seek.

What love remains, shall live within
It's glowing power, continued, undiminished.

To her I say, your worth unknown
Is the love you missed, To be alone . . .

Straight From my heart

This Was written for a Special Gal in my life

Written from my heart sealed with my kiss
These words will describe our eternal bliss
And when I lay my head to sleep on my bed
You are the thoughts wondering in my head

When my eyes shut I see an image of you
Nothing can distract for you are my only view
I wish you were here, holding me so tight
Yet instead I will be dreaming of you tonight

I dream of the future that together we'll share
The laughs and cries we'll see in this love affair
I count down the minutes until I see you next
I just want to run away with you into the sunset

I've fallen in something that is magical and deep
A picture drawn inside my heart forever to keep
An essay written in words the describe this love
A prayer to the angels thanking them up above

I look into your eyes and I see forever right there
I feel it in your touch as you brush through my hair
And each time we kiss I feel the love deep down

Is thisTrue LOVE ????????

Some say true love stands the test of time.
I say time is the test of true love.
Some say true love nourishes the mind.
I say true love is your heart becoming mine.
He says true love is hard to believe.
I say true love is the person you grow old with.
He says true love is kisses and more.
I say true love is the girl worth waiting for.
She says true love is love at first sight.
I say true love is me loving you right.
She says true love is poems and mails.
I say true love never fails.
They say true love is rarely seen around.
I say true love is you that I have found.
They say true love only happens to a few.
I say true love is me and you

How Good

How good it feels to be alive,
and to appreciate and enjoy life.
How good it feels to wake up every day,
and to watch the little ones play.
How good it feels to dream at night,
and then wake up to beautiful sunlight.
How good it feels to have good friends,
who will be with you until life's end.
How good it is to have the support of loved ones,
and be able to go out and have fun.
How good it feels to hear, touch, smell, taste, and see,
and live in a time in which we can be whatever we want to be.
How good it feels to breathe in air
and to be able to recognize my happiness and share