Friday, July 10, 2009

Dry Leaf.. My Life . . .

In the sea shore I walk alone.. at nights
My eyes filled with tears
My lips crushed between my teeth
My hands wrapping myself tightly
My heart crying for its own death..

I see no future in front of me
May be I don’t see the one I wished to
It’s hard to get ready for another future
The future where I won’t see you any more
The future where I will forget you completely..

Everything around me is empty now
Everything that had had life before
I will look for a shop where I can buy a new heart
This time I will be careful not to let it fall
At least for the one who is not going to catch it..?

I will start a new beginning
I will color myself in a different brush
To hide my pains from others
I won’t let myself get wet in emotions
I’m just afraid to learn about love again . . .


Why I feel glad, amidst the sorrows?..
I search my smiles in my tears.

Why I feel blessed, amidst the trials?..
I feel the touch of Almighty in my fears.

Why I feel loved, amidst the hurt?..
I trust all my relationships are forever.

Why I feel good, amidst the losses?..
I feel, often bad times makes one stronger.

Why I feel alone, amidst the crowd?..
I find my soul in my loneliness.

Why I feel secure, amidst the uncertainty?..
I believe the power of hope in my helplessness.

Why I feel peace, amidst the emptiness?..
I do understand the value of contentment.

Sometimes I wonder?..
Why life is so precious, amidst the bitterness?..
I learn "Life is beautiful yet mysterious" at the end . . .

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Can Love Last Forever if u Want to

Love is the strongest and
Most fulfilling emotion possible
It lets you share your goals, your desires, your experiences
It lets you share your life with someone
It lets you be yourself
With someone who will always support you
It lets you speak your innermost feelings to someone
who understands you
It lets you feel tenderness and warmth
A wholeness that avoids loneliness
Love lets you feel complete
But in order to have
A successful love relationship
You must make a strong commitment to each other and love
And you must do and feel everything within your mind and body
to make this commitment work
You must be happy with yourself
And you must understand yourself before you can expect someone else
to be happy with you or to understand you
You must be honest about yourself and each other at all times
And not hold any feelings back
You must accept each other the way you are
And not try to change each other
You must be free to grow as individuals yet share your life as one
But not live your life through each other
You must follow your own principals and morals
And not follow what societal roles tell you to do
You must follow the philosophy that men and women are equal
and not treat either person with inferiority in any way
In order to have
a lasting love relationship
You must be together always in your heart
but not necessarily always in your activities
You must be proud of each other and love
and not be ashamed to show your sensitive feelings
You must treat everyday spent with each other as special
and not take each other or your love for granted
You must spend time talking with each other everyday
and not be too busy with outside events that you are
too tired for each other
You must understand each other’s moods and feelings
and not hurt each other intentionally
but if your frustrations are taken out on each other
You must both realize that it is not a personal attack
You must be passionate with each other often
and not get into boring patterns
You must continue to have fun and excitement with each other
and not be afraid to try new things
You must always work at love and your love relationship
and not  forget how important this relationship is or
what you would feel like without it
Love is the strongest
And most fulfilling emotion possible
If you live
Your commitment to love
You will live your dreams
Between awakenings . . .

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A small story worth reading

A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed.

The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.

That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marble.

Moral of the story: If you don't give your hundred percent in a relationship, you'll always keep doubting if the other person has given his/her hundred percent.. This is applicable for any relationship like love, employer-employee relationship etc.,

Give your hundred percent to everything you do and sleep peacefully.. .......

This can be extended to God too: Give all your stuff - everything, including your worries to Him and then you can sleep peacefully