Friday, July 10, 2009

Dry Leaf.. My Life . . .

In the sea shore I walk alone.. at nights
My eyes filled with tears
My lips crushed between my teeth
My hands wrapping myself tightly
My heart crying for its own death..

I see no future in front of me
May be I don’t see the one I wished to
It’s hard to get ready for another future
The future where I won’t see you any more
The future where I will forget you completely..

Everything around me is empty now
Everything that had had life before
I will look for a shop where I can buy a new heart
This time I will be careful not to let it fall
At least for the one who is not going to catch it..?

I will start a new beginning
I will color myself in a different brush
To hide my pains from others
I won’t let myself get wet in emotions
I’m just afraid to learn about love again . . .

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